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I would like to share with you and show you my struggle for healthy, faster growing hair. My February decision is to support from each side of my hair to grow faster within three months. I will describe to you my helpers. So far, a little humble because I want to see if something is moving. I have plans to expand the product list but we'll see.
The first one goes

Ma specyficzny zapach, który nie każdemu pasuje. Mnie osobiście nie przeszkadza, w sumie to nawet go polubiłam. Zazwyczaj nakładam odpowiednią ilość na mokre/suche włosy i zostawiam na kilka godzin lub na całą noc. Włosy są po nim bardziej puszyste, sprężyste i lepiej się rozczesują.
Amla Oil, Dabur brand is an oil from Indian fruit amla (Indian gooseberry). It makes your hair strong and nourished, prevents from inflammation, dandruff, prevents hair loss. Amla oil moisturizes the hair, gives them elasticity and shine.
It has an unique smell that not everyone fits. I personally do not mind, in fact I even liked it. Usually impose enough to wet or dry hair and leave for several hours or overnight. Hair is followed by a more fluffy, elastic and better to comb.

Ma łagodny zapach, który w ogóle nie przeszkadza w noszeniu go na włosach kilka godzin. Używam go naprzemiennie z Amlą. Jest wydajny, bo wcale nie potrzeba go tak dużo. Jedyne co czasem przeszkadza jeśli nie ma się zbyt wiele czasu to podgrzewanie go w ciepłej wodzie, gdyż w temperaturze poniżej 25 stopni Celsjusza jest w stanie stałym.
Vatika Coconut oil from Dabur brand makes hair after using strong, healthy and regains its shine and hydrates and nourishes the scalp. In addition to Henna, Amla and Lemons it contains extracts from six other supporting herbs. Oil prevents hair loss, dandruff work, and prevents premature graying.
It has a mild odor, which does not bother to wear it on the hair for hours. I use it alternately with Amla. It is efficient, because it does not need it so much. Sometimes interferes only if there is too much time to be heated in hot water, because the temperature below 25 degrees Celsius is in a solid state.

Ma dziwny zapach, który trochę mi przeszkadza. Zużyłam połowę butelki i zbytnio nie widzę żadnych efektów ale nadal będę używać - może coś się zmieni. Jedyne co zauważyłam to zmniejsza puszenie się włosów.
Radical Hair Mist for colored hair is extremely effective formula for color-treated hair, dull and damaged. Specially designed, unique recipe - a natural extract of ginkgo, vitamin E complex, polished-protective UV filters - provides exceptional protection and clear polishes hair, not overloading them. Perfectly nourishes and strengthens weakened hair styling treatments, repairs damage, smooths and extends the life of color. With regular use the hair becomes much thicker and stronger, perfectly smooth and silky soft to the touch, and the color bright and deep.
It has a strange smell that bothers me a little bit. I have used half the bottle and do not really see any results but I will continue using it - maybe something will change. The only thing that I noticed it makes my hair little smooth.

Linseed is known to all of you. It improves the condition of hair, they become more shiny, moisturizing. Hair tend to be more dense. I cook two tablespoons of linseed in two cups of water for 15 minutes, then hold the hair for about an hour. When I held the hair overnight scalp began to itch so I recommend an hour or more, but not on all night if you do not want to scratch your hair for the whole day :)

Rzeczywiście włosy łatwiej się rozczesują, ale czy bardziej błyszczą to sama nie wiem. Co mnie zdziwiło to to, że na opakowaniu pisze aby trzymac maskę 5minut na włosach a na polskiej naklejce na wieczku pisze żeby trzymac 10minut... Tak czy siak ja trzymam od godziny do kilku na włosach suchych lub mokrych:)
Kallos Vanilla Shine Hair Mask is a nourishing mask and the glaze to dry and dull hair with the scent of vanilla. With wheat and Panthenol proteins contained in the mask, hair becomes shiny, silky, easy to comb. Especially recommended for dry hair without gloss.
Indeed, it is easier to comb hair but if they are shiny I do not know. What surprised me is that the box says 5 minutes to keep the mask on your hair and the Polish sticker on the cover says 10 minutes to keep ... Anyway, I'm holding on for a few hours to dry or wet hair :)

SKRZYPOVITA (Horsetail) 1 X DAY is a product that is rich composition of herbs, vitamins, minerals and L-methionine, with all substances essential for maintaining good health and appearance of hair, skin and nails .It got smell that made me feel sick.. I did not notice the effects because I couldn't swallow them no longer by the smell. I still have a single leaf to use so I'm trying to overcome with smell.

Nettle - by drinking it you can see results in a faster increase of lenght of our hair, strengthen nails and improve the condition of hair. The effects have to wait long as it is with natural methods. Also cleanses the body of toxins. The taste has a typical herb, which not everyone can drink it. If you won't be able to drink nettle you can use as a rinse to hair.

Horsetail strengthens the hair, I think the effects can be seen only after a few months of use. I brewed one bag of nettle and one bag of horsetail at a one time and drink it.
A Wy? Używacie któregoś z podanych produktów? Może czegoś innego/lepszego?
And you? Do you use any of these products? Maybe something different / better?
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